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Arabic Culture Days is a traditional annual cultural festival designed to promote peaceful dialogue, intercultural cooperation and mutual knowledge between Lithuania and the Middle East.

Celebrating International Arabic language Day on18th of December Arabic Culture Forum together with Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies of Vilnius University, organizes a virtual lecture-discussion - "Arabic City Codes" within the framework of Arabic Culture days festival.

The city in the Arab world expresses a collective way of living, reflecting it through architectural, functional and institutional diversity. With the advent of theological-legal literature in the Middle East, the legislation defined the essential aspects and details of urban planning that have direct links to everyday human activities. In order to represent cultural identity of the Middle Eastern city, specialists of the region will invite you to a lecture-discussion, that will be broadcasted and available virtually.


Lecture-discussion “Between Tradition and Modernity: An Urban City in the Middle East ”with Asist. dr. Kristina Jonutytė (VU Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies) and Maritana Larbi (VU Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies)

Screening of the short film "A Resident Of The City" with Gintare Sereikaitė (VU ATSI) and dr. Ernest Jančenko (VU ATSI).

Lecture and discussion "Different Street Art" with Marija Rakickaja (VU Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies) and street artist Aleksas Kochkin (Art Studio Black Ink).

The event is hosted by VU ATSI Middle East programme student Irina Lapučko.

Date of the event: December 18. 2020, 18.00-20.00

You can participate in the event by logging in via the ZOOM platform:

Event organizers and partners: Arabic Culture Forum, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, VU Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies,  Anna Lindh Foundation in Lithuania, Art Studio Black Ink

 December 1 - December 14


Photo competition "Colors of the Arab World". We can’t travel during this special time, but we can share the most memorable moments we’ve had on previous trips. The organizers invite you to share moments captured in Arab countries and virtually enjoy the reflections of Arabic culture in the photographs of other travelers.

Organizers of the competition: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, competition partners - Vilnius City Municipality and Arabic Culture Forum.

Contest winner: Ramūnas Danisevičius – „Weaver“ (Egypt, 2016)

Prize places:

Tomas Baranauskas – „Urgent steps inside the miracle“ (United Arab Emirates, 2017)

Tomas Saparis – „Desert children“ (Egypt, 2015)

Nijolė Nagurnaitė – „An evening in the Sahara Desert“ (Morocco, 2019)

Bnwar Abdulrahman – „In the homes of the inhabitants of the wetlands of southern Iraq“ (Iraq, 2020)

Viktorija Saparė – „Mosaic“ (Morocco, 2016)

Jūratė Buivienė – „Camel and the road sign“ (Oman, 2016)

Congratulations to the winners and thanks again to all entrants for the amazing photos!

The event has a patronage of: Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO


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